Social Solidarity Among Parents in North Carolina


Capita, a think tank promoting the flourishing of young families and children, wanted to explore parental wellbeing and social connection in NC due to its known impact on young children, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. To better understand the state of parental wellbeing, Capita commissioned Openfields to administer and analyze a survey of nearly 800 parents in North Carolina, half of which were parents of young children.


After successfully administering the survey, Openfields used a variety of analytical techniques, such as factor analysis, to:

  • Compare social connectedness between parents of young children and the wider population
  • Evaluate feelings of loneliness and level of social involvement among GenZ, Millennial, and GenX cohorts
  • Better understand the varying experiences of parents of young children along racial and ethnic lines

Openfields derived several critical insights from the analysis and produced a report that has been widely circulated among key leaders in the early childhood sector, most recently Ascend at the Aspen Institute.

Download the full report from Capita: The Ties that Bind and Nurture