
A better way to do strategy.
We believe the most effective strategies are integrated and adaptive, driven by a dynamic view of the future, a deep understanding of systems and culture, and shared stories about what matters. Openfields offers strategic planning and advising services along with research-driven foresight and scenario planning to help leaders and organizations design for long-term, sustainable impact.
Responsive and accountable planning and execution
Openfields approaches strategic planning as a leadership discipline rather than a one-off event that an organization engages in every three to five years. Our team of experienced planners works closely with executives, boards, and networks of advisors to develop adaptive strategic plans. We facilitate regular planning sessions with teams to ensure ownership and accountability. And, as the organizational and market landscape evolves, we advise executives on managing day-to-day implementation and creative responses to new realities.
Anticipate the future, prepare for what is coming
Foresight helps leaders think more critically about what is possible and probable in the future in order to develop more creative perspectives and sustainable solutions today. To generate foresight, Openfields maps trends in your field and the wider cultural and economic landscape. We identify emerging ideas and issues and help your team develop futures-oriented mindsets and leadership skills. Read our latest post on Emerging Issues Impact Young Children and Families.

Immerse your vision in possible futures, future-test your organization
The practice of foresight helps leaders anticipate change and imagine what the future might look like. Scenario planning places an organization in the midst of a specific future situation in which it must adapt. This process helps organizations see which futures they are prepared for, and which they are not. It also helps identify adaptations and design principles that you can embrace today that will prepare your organization, network, or community for any future that unfolds.

Openfields grounds our foresight and planning in research and data, and can lead teams, networks, or learning cohorts through the process. We also create strategic intelligence feeds to inform the planning process with real-time insights into your most critical strategic issues and ideas. And we help executives make the time and space to develop their own vision for the future.